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#SnippetSunday - Excerpt from My WIP - I'LL BE SEEING YOU - #TimeTravelromance #romantasy

Angel wings

Happy #SnippetSunday! Today I'm offering a snippet from my WIP (work in progress). I'LL BE SEEING YOU is a #timetravelromance. To earn his wings and be allowed entry to Heaven, Gabriel, an apprentice angel must help three mortals get a second chance at love. Gabriel's first client is Frank, who broke up with Claire because he thought she betrayed him. Gabriel takes Frank back to Plymouth, England in 1944, just before D-Day so he can correct the mistake he made with Claire all those years ago.

In this excerpt, apprentice angel Gabriel and his mentor, senior angel Thomas, have taken Frank back to 1944. Frank sees himself for the first time and realizes he's young again. He's shocked, but he doesn't want his best friend Hal to think he's crazy:

“What’s the date today, Hal?” Frank asked.

“March first.”

“And the year?”

Hal blinked at him in alarm. “I think that knock you took to the head was worse than we thought. I’m going for a medic.”

When he made to leave, Frank laid a hand on his arm to stop him. “No, really. I feel fine. I swear.”

Hal looked like he wanted to argue. Instead, he shook his head. “Maybe you’ll feel better once you get cleaned up and have something to eat. But hurry up, I don’t want to be late for breakfast. You know how I hate cold eggs.”

Frank chuckled. “I remember.”

He quickly dressed in the clothes laid out on the locker at the foot of his bed, pulling them on over his underwear. Army green shirt and pants, black boots. Hal led him to a nearby wash basin and shaving mirror. Gabriel and Thomas followed and watched as Frank stared at himself in the mirror.

“Oh, my God!”

Hal grasped his shoulder. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

Frank stared at him. “I saw my reflection and—”

Careful, Frank.

Right. He cleared his throat and touched his hand to his forehead. “I saw this big bandage for the first time. I can feel a lump, but I don’t remember what happened.”

Hal’s eyes widened. “You don’t remember the butt of Jonesy’s rifle hitting you in the face?”

“No.” Frank turned back to the mirror. “Like you said, it must have scrambled my brains.”

“Jonesy is real sorry. It was an accident.”

“I know.”

Frank continued to stare at himself, running his fingers over his face. I can’t believe it. I’m young again! No lines and wrinkles, and that drooping on the right side of my face is gone.

It is, Gabriel replied. Your hair’s not gray anymore either.

Frank ran a hand through his thick, dark hair. No gray. All my aches and pains are gone, Gabriel! And the paralysis from the stroke. Gone! I’ve become so used to seeing myself as a feeble old man it’s hard to believe this is me.

It’s definitely you.

Hal wet a facecloth in the basin and handed it to Frank. “Here. You sure you’re feeling all right?”

“I’m sure.” Frank turned to Hal with a grin. “In fact, I feel better than all right. I feel fantastic.”

He pulled Hal into a bear hug, holding him tight for a moment. Thank you, Gabriel, my amazing angel. I made the right decision in coming here. This time I won’t let Hal die.

I'LL BE SEEING YOU will be published in 2025! Can't wait!

1 Comment

Ornery Owl
Jan 26

Such a lovely scene! I've shared the link on my Readers Roost Blog in the Sunday Sampler post.

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